President Obama encouraged all Americans Tuesday to take "common-sense" steps in preparation for an expected resurgence in the H1N1 virus this fall.Among other things, he said, people should wash their hands frequently and stay home from work if they are ill.
"I know it sounds simple, but it's important and it works," he said at the White House.
"I don't want anybody to be alarmed. But I do want (people) to be prepared."
The president said hospitals need to prepare for an unusually large influx of patients. While the federal government is doing everything possible to prepare for a new H1N1 outbreak, there will likely be "issues coming up over the next several months," Obama said. The way the virus is "moving is still somewhat unpredictable."
Families and businesses, he said, should have plans in place in the event that relatives or co-workers contract the virus and need to remain at home.
State and local governments need to be "on the front lines to make anti-viral medications and vaccines available," he added.
The president made his remarks after receiving a briefing on preparedness for H1N1, also known as swine flu, from several senior administration officials.
The ads stress the importance of basic healthy habits such as frequent hand washing, sneezing into the bend of your arm, and not touching your mouth, nose, and eyes.
The ads were initially rolled out in May, but have now been repackaged to help promote www.flu.gov, the government Web site responsible for posting information regarding the H1N1 virus.

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