A while back I wrote a nasty quadpome about George W. Bush. I have been writing steadily for almost three years about Barack Obama. But I just put one and one together today. George W. Bush andBarack Obama can be understood as two sides of the same faith. And oddly enough this may explain more about George W. Bush than Barack Obama.
Here's how it goes. I cast George W. Bush as a quasi-evangelical, 12-step inclined, knee-jerkishly fundamentalist Christian. Hold that thought. I cast Barack Obama as what he says he was and is, more the follower of a way that he derives from the words and teachings of Jesus than the sort who would really be moved, as W might, by a praise song or by the testimony of a true-believing Jesus-saves Christian.
With George W. Bush you need to add in the preppy privilege Andover Yale thing, which more or less got modified when life dealt him the blow of alcoholism. It left him with an easy manner and utterly no embarrassment at all about this or that gaffe. We preppies can make all the gaffes we want, thank you.
With Barack Obama you need to add in a formidable back story that he has already told, from which I would take both the emptiness of an undefined identity and the almost nihilistic clarity he possesses when it comes to intuiting the possibilities that actually exist. It is for such reasons that Barack Obama can be seem as a betrayer to progressives about half or more of the time.
Now the meat of the argument.
When George W. Bush ascended with remarkable ease to the throne of grace, he was just fine thank you. Confident in his self-control. Pleasantly arrogant toward those around him. My snapshot is George W. Bush listening to Bill Frist advocate for African AIDS aid in Air Force One and, with his presidential feet up, asking "Billy Boy" how many votes that would get him. But oddly, when it came to political realism. this sort of cheap bravado was just that -- cheap.(by:
Stephen C. Rose, associatedcontent)
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